Video lesson

When it comes to obstacles in life, quick fixes aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. So keep putting one foot in front of the other. Take your time. And steer clear of those who peddle band-aid solutions.

Reflection questions

  • What quick fix or shortcut have you tried that didn’t work out the way you hoped?
  • Why do you think it wasn’t a lasting solution?
  • What might have been a better approach?

Exercise: “Mind map” long-term solutions

Consider a challenge you’re facing. Maybe you’re struggling to make ends meet or going through a rough patch with your romantic partner. Maybe it’s an old back injury flaring up again. Whatever it is, write it in the centre of a sheet of paper with a circle around it.

To the left of your problem statement, add another bubble and label it “short-term.” To the right of the problem, add one that says “long-term.”

Next, start adding possible solutions to the problem, branching out from either bubble. And from each of those bubbles, add the different actions you could take to implement the various solutions you’ve identified.

Soon, you’ll have a diagram highlighting different pathways toward tackling the challenge. To make a lasting change, focus your energy on the solutions included on the “long-term” side of the page.

Here’s an example of what that might look like:

Tools and tips from around the web

What Is the Biggest Downside of Always Taking Shortcuts in Life?

Why You Should Avoid the Quick Fix (and How to Create Real Change)

Quick Fixes Don’t Work in Personal Development

What Happens when we try to Heal with Quick Fixes

Quick Fixes or Long-Term Solutions? (In relationships)

Quick Fixes for Your Problems Versus Creating the Life You Want?

Focus on the Solution to Create Real & Lasting Change

Online mind map tool

How to Use Mind Maps for Problem Solving

How to use mind mapping for problem solving (in business settings)