My Dad built a kick-ass swing set in our backyard when we were kids. It was pretty awesome. Awesome as it was, however, it still pales in comparison to this week’s Blue Marble Badge recipient: the Shotover Canyon Swing in New Zealand.

109 metres (that’s 360 feet) above the Shotover River in New Zealand, this canyon swing is touted as the world’s highest cliff jump.

Big thanks to Julie Obstfeld for submitting the video below of her swing. As a thank you for your submission, I’ll be sending you a free copy of the ebook, Balancing Priorities and Prioritizing Balance: How to make room for the things that matter most in life.

Here’s my analysis of the video:

0:13 – Julie informs the operator that she doesn’t think she can do it.

0:17 – Julie does some mental calculations, figuring out at what point the risk of dying and/or soiling herself outweighs the amount of ridicule she’ll receive from her friends if she doesn’t go through with it.

0:24 – Still thinking. Apparently math was never her strong suit.

1:18 – Julie employs the full-body clench technique; simultaneously clenching her eyes, hands and butt cheeks as tightly as humanly possible.

1:30 – Julie gets sassy with the operator. Perhaps not the wisest idea considering her life is in their hands.

1:36 – Julie prays the clenching will be enough as she plummets into the canyon. Screaming ensues.

2:07 – Screaming continues.

2:13 – Yup… still screaming

2:18 – Screams of terror transition to screams of exhilaration as she realizes she has neither died nor soiled herself.

2:53 – Julie reveals to the operator that she had been singing Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer during her swing… hey, whatever works.

3:00 – Julie thanks a man who just threw her off a giant cliff. Clearly still delirious from the ordeal.

The Blue Marble Badge celebrates cool, weird and fun activities from all corners of the globe. Share your own awesome experiences by visiting the Submissions Section (you’ll get a free ebook as a thank you for your submission). Or add your stories, photos and videos to the BoA Facebook Page.

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