If your idea of a fun vacation is sitting by the pool with a martini in one hand a John Grisham in the other, then these suggestions aren’t for you. If however you are a more adventurous type looking for a new experience read on for my top off beat, vacation picks.

Cycling tours

Open any fitness magazine these days and you’re bound to come across an advert for a charity-led cycling tour. A great way to explore some of the more remote parts of the world and get fit, cycling tours like these are becoming a popular off beat option. You usually have to pay a registration fee and pledge to get a certain amount of sponsorship. You are responsible for this amount so even if you don’t get the sponsorship that you expect you will need to cover the cost. Don’t be too concerned about this though as you can set up your own giving page and advertise it on social media. Remember too that your workplace might sponsor you for a large chunk of the amount.

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With tours running in many historic and exotic locations like the Great Wall of China and Machu Picchu, there is a good range to choose from. Remember to get there a few days before the bike tour starts so you can get acclimatized. Also, remember that you will need to set a training program to prepare for your ride several months before you go.

An American RV trip

While RV trips don’t seem that off beat, it is all about the sort of thing you see when you are on the road. Instead of heading to Yellowstone for some camping and geezers, why not take a RV horror tour of the USA instead? ย Visit Buffy The Vampire Slayers High School, the house in Halloween and The Dawn of the Dead Mall. ย Finding an RV that meets your needs is pretty easy. Choose from travel trailers, motorhomes and fifth wheels. Why not use your RV to tour some of the oddest museums in the US? Try the Voodoo Museum in New Orleans, The Spam museum in Austin or The Museum of International Cryptozoology in Portland. Combine with stop-offs at some of America’s best diners for an, even more, fun-filled trip.


If Europe is your thing, why not try interrailing? Interrailing is when you take the train around Europe, picking the destinations that you would like to visit and how long you want to stay for. You pay one price for unlimited train use over a period, with the caveat that you can only ever travel forward. This means you cannot go back yourself during your journey, so you need to plan it well.

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A favorite interrail stop is Berlin, Germany. Why not take a dip in the swimming pool made out of a shipping container, visit Checkpoint Charlie or Museum Island? Or you could try visiting Budapest and eat garlic soup, check out the old town or take a dip in one of the many bath houses? Combine your trip with European music festivals to get maximum excitement.